In October 2018, the Society of Actuaries (SOA) updated the Mortality Improvement Scale (Scale MP-2018) that accompanies its most recent Mortality Table (RP-2014). The updated mortality improvement scale incorporates Social Security Administration (SSA) mortality data from 2012 to 2016. Scale MP-2018 reflects a slight decrease in the rate of improvement in life expectancies in the
The Internal Revenue Service on November 1, 2018 announced cost of living adjustments affecting the dollar limit for pension plans and other retirement-related items for tax year 2019. The IRS today issued technical guidance detailing these items in Notice 2018-83. Highlights of Changes for 2019 The contribution limit for employees who participate in 401(k), 403(b), most
In Revenue Procedure 2018-52, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) details new procedures under EPCRS that will require Plan sponsors to utilize website to file Voluntary Correction Program (VCP) submissions and pay user fees. Beginning on Apr. 1, 2019, the IRS will no longer accept paper VCP submissions or process user fees paid with a
On August 31, 2018, the President signed an executive order to expand access to workplace retirement savings plans for American workers and to review rules on required minimum distributions. The President’s order directs the Departments of Labor and the Treasury to consider issuing regulations and guidance that would make it easier for businesses to offer
On August 17, 2018 the IRS issued a private letter ruling, which permitted an employer to provide a student loan repayment benefit offered through a 401(k) Plan. The student loan benefit program under the plan provided the employer to make a nonelective contribution to an employee based on the amount of student loan repayments made
The Internal Revenue Service periodically issues Snapshots. Snapshots are employee job aids that provide analysis and resources for a given technical tax issue. Snapshots are developed through internal collaboration at the IRS and may evolve as the compliance environment changes and new insights and experiences are contributed. Listed below are Snapshots recently issued in May 2018.
Torrillo & Associates, LLC was recently featured on PICPA – CPA Conversations. CPAs auditing employee benefit plans are dealing with a lot of standards, including SAS No. 132 and FASB ASU No. 2017-06. Additionally, the new tax law will affect CPAs working with these plans. JulieAnn Verrekia, CPA, and David Torrillo, CPA, of Torrillo &